Welcome to the Woodstock Elementary School! Whether you are new to the Woodstock Elementary School or a returning family, we are happy that you joined us. You have made the right choice for your child’s education. Woodstock Elementary School offers a dedicated and collegial staff that will care for your children and hold them to high expectations. Relationships, rigor and relevance are driving principles at the Woodstock Elementary School. Our students, staff and families work together to create an environment where children are intellectually challenged in ways appropriate to their individual strengths, needs, and experiences. Our goal is to create a learning community that is committed to engaging and challenging every student in every classroom every day.
We believe that parents play a critical role in the success of our students. Parents, you are your child’s first and most important teacher. You know your child better than anyone else and we invite you to work in partnership with your child’s classroom teacher. You have rich insight into your child’s unique needs, talents and interests. Please feel free to share any information that you believe will help us increase your child’s success. Teachers, however, have a unique perspective on your child. They will see your child as a member of the class and watch as they interact with peers, face the challenge of new learning, ask questions, and solve problems. Parent and teacher perspectives, working in partnership, are critical to ensure that your child’s time at Woodstock Elementary School is exciting and rewarding.
This handbook is intended to provide a brief, concise and understandable overview of some of the most important opportunities and expectations that anchor our program. Please review this handbook with your child and feel free to call me at (845) 679-2316 if you have any questions about our programs, rules, or district policies.
Scott Richards
Main Office:
Scott Richards, Principal
P: 845.679.2316 x.5100
F: 845.679.1207
Rebecca Evans, Secretary
P: 845.679.2313 x.5101
Fax Numbers
Main Office: 845.679.1207
Health Office: 845.679.1207
Campus Location (Directions)
8 West Hurley Road
Woodstock, NY 12498